

Hello World! This is Manish Iyer. And this, is my very own little space in the cyberworld to rant about anything and everything under the sun...This will also contain a section for physics and aerospace...something that I've always loved and will continue to do so till the end. So go ahead...sit back and enjoy the ride!

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Holy ****

The positive spectrum of the 7 human emotions will drive us to pleasure and that is why we pursue them. The negative spectrum of the 7 human emotions will drive us towards pain and that is why we will do anything to avoid it. It is also important to notice that we will do more to
avoid painful emotions than we will do to gain pleasurable emotions as this is instinctive to our nature as human beings.

The 7 human emotions of Pain are:
1. Fear
2. Hatred
3. Anger
4. Greed
5. Jealousy
6. Revenge
7. Superstition

These are the emotions we are all trying to avoid as the experience of them will inevitable be a painful emotion.

The 7 human emotions of pleasure are:
1. Love
2. Sex
3. Hope
4. Faith
5. Sympathy
6. Optimism
7. Loyalty

"The secret of success is learning to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. If you do that you are in control of your life. If you don't
life controls you" - Anthony Robbins.

All emotions serve a purpose and a very important purpose as such. We all want to experience the positive side of the 7 human emotions and often we seek for it in the wrong places. Drugs, alcohol, smoking ex. are all devises we use to get out of pain and into pleasure. They are things we do to instantaneously suppress the negative emotions we may experience. The truth is that suppressing or ignoring an emotion will only amplify it until you deal with it. If we heed and utilize the signals that emotions give us we can change the quality of our lives and experience of life immediately.

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