

Hello World! This is Manish Iyer. And this, is my very own little space in the cyberworld to rant about anything and everything under the sun...This will also contain a section for physics and aerospace...something that I've always loved and will continue to do so till the end. So go ahead...sit back and enjoy the ride!

Friday, December 8, 2006

Space shot Delayed

My dreams of becoming a rocket scientist were put to rest but that wont stop me from pursuing this wonderful piece of science. And here's my first post about it. Thursday's space shuttle launch was scrubbed due to patch of clouds directly over the launch pad meaning that Discovery and her seven astronauts would have to wait couple more days to rocket towards the ISS.

Launch time is now set for Saturday at 8:47:34 p.m. EST (0147:34 Dec. 10 GMT).Discovery’s STS-116 astronaut crew planned to launch at 9:35:48 p.m. EST (0235:48 Dec. 8 GMT), but thick clouds prompted a one-day delay in the ISS construction mission. A heavy cloud layer, with clouds estimated at 500 feet thick, violated NASA’s flight rules for the space shot.

Discovery’s launch window currently runs from Dec. 7 to 17, and could be extended to Dec. 26 if mission managers approve the shuttle for flight during the year-end switch from 2006 to 2007.

Launch time is pushed back about 23 minutes for every day of delay, so that the spacecraft can reach the ISS, which is orbiting about 220 miles (352 kilometers) above Earth at a rate of about five miles per second.


Thursday, December 7, 2006

Close Attention

Have you ever worked really hard at something, only to leave you feeling empty and confused? Wondering if you made the right decision, or whether the effort was worth it? Maybe it left you so confused, you wonder if there shouldn't be more than this. And then, you see it! A small glimpse of your efforts paying off. It's only temporary, but it's enough to create a memory.

Sometimes I take those small memories and create from them. I replay them in my mind and pay close attention to every detail. This way, one small memory can become a beautiful story. A story of determination and triumph. A story that gives hope for future glimpses of that small thing thatmakes me feel appreciated.

It's simple really. It's called paying close attention, or you might miss it. It's nothing much really, but in reality all those nothings amount to something. And that something continues to fuel your energy and positive outlook on life.


Sunday, December 3, 2006

Funny sayings!

Ever wondered why do people use certain phrases that just sound weird and don’t fit into normal conversation?? it became one of my "obsessions" so occasionally I try to use some of these sayings in every day life, just because...

- Don’t count your chickens before they hatch (does anyone
own chickens that we know? NO!?)

- Too many cooks spoil the broth (who eats broth anyway?!)

- Cat got your tongue (dude if u r that dumb to find
yourself in that situation u deserve it)

- You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink
(sure u can, he might just drown in the process)

- Face the music (what, like music is scary? lol whatever)

- Back to the drawing board (only teachers use those!)

- Barking up the wrong tree (so there's a right tree then?)

- Like it or lump it (hmm I think I’ll lump it, whatever
that means)

- You can bet your bottom dollar (is that prejudice against

- Close shave (well what’s the point in shaving if u don’t do
it properly?)

- The acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree (well dude, they
can't fly!)

- Every cloud has a silver lining (bullshit - prove it!)

I'll prob continually update this page as I encounter more weirdoes with funny sayings in the future... yah, I know u all can't wait.


Another busy weekend

So that was another busy weekend. Didnt have much time to move as I had to prepare for my test at school. So I spent my whole weekend just reading codes - small ones but ones that teach you the core of embedded system programming.

Apart from my schoolwork, I succeded in hunting down a book i wanted to own for some time now...A textbook on Embedded C. And I downloaded an online version of it and went through a few pages. Look pretty interesting as it's gonna teach me to use another cool tool called Keil. Should learn to use it hopefully by the time I finish reading the book. But the sad part is, I don't have the required hadware for that - an Arcom board on which i could burm my software. Anyways...will just try and simulate things on my PC. That should make me happy.

One other thing that makes me beam is the look of my other blog. Finally managed to get things right and working. you might not find any differences between this and my other blog but the fact is, that is a completely different template and not the denim template as it looks now. Boy i love CSS!!

Happy Weekend!