

Hello World! This is Manish Iyer. And this, is my very own little space in the cyberworld to rant about anything and everything under the sun...This will also contain a section for physics and aerospace...something that I've always loved and will continue to do so till the end. So go ahead...sit back and enjoy the ride!

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Funny sayings!

Ever wondered why do people use certain phrases that just sound weird and don’t fit into normal conversation?? it became one of my "obsessions" so occasionally I try to use some of these sayings in every day life, just because...

- Don’t count your chickens before they hatch (does anyone
own chickens that we know? NO!?)

- Too many cooks spoil the broth (who eats broth anyway?!)

- Cat got your tongue (dude if u r that dumb to find
yourself in that situation u deserve it)

- You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink
(sure u can, he might just drown in the process)

- Face the music (what, like music is scary? lol whatever)

- Back to the drawing board (only teachers use those!)

- Barking up the wrong tree (so there's a right tree then?)

- Like it or lump it (hmm I think I’ll lump it, whatever
that means)

- You can bet your bottom dollar (is that prejudice against

- Close shave (well what’s the point in shaving if u don’t do
it properly?)

- The acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree (well dude, they
can't fly!)

- Every cloud has a silver lining (bullshit - prove it!)

I'll prob continually update this page as I encounter more weirdoes with funny sayings in the future... yah, I know u all can't wait.

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